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Email Etiquette: How to Write Better Emails at Work

Do you often find yourself wondering how to draft better emails at work? If so, you are not alone! People struggle with email etiquette, especially when authoring professional emails. This blog post will discuss Email Etiquette and how to write better emails at work. Follow these tips, and you will be on your way to sending polished, professional emails that will make a great impression!

Clear Email Goal 

Before you start authoring your email, take a minute to think about why you are sending the message. Ask yourself: “What is my goal with this email?”. It will ensure that your message is clear and focused on achieving the desired outcome.

Be Concise

When composing an email, it is essential to be as concise as possible. Stick to the point and avoid unnecessary details or filler words. Limiting each email to one main topic is a good rule of thumb. Use clear, direct language, and keep your sentences short and to the point.

Proofread Before Sending

Make sure you proofread your emails before sending them out. Proofreading can help you spot typos and other errors that make your message difficult to understand. It is also a promising idea to double-check the recipient’s name and email address before sending to ensure you are communicating with the right person.

Follow structure

When drafting a professional email, make sure you follow the standard structure. Start with a short and friendly introduction, followed by the main body of your message. Be polite and respectful in your email and avoid using informal language or slang. Finally, finish off with a polite closing statement and your name.

Leverage Subject Line

Your subject line is the first thing your recipient will see, so make sure it is clear and concise. Try to get to the point in your subject line and avoid using phrases like “URGENT!” or “READ THIS NOW,” as these can be off-putting.

Personalize your message

Try to personalize each email you send. It means including the recipient’s name, referencing a past conversation or project, or even mentioning something they recently achieved. It is always a nice gesture and shows that you care about your relationship with them.


Make sure your emails send at an appropriate time of day. For example, avoid sending emails late at night or on the weekends when recipients may be away from their computers. Additionally, it would help if you kept in mind that diverse cultures have different acceptable times for email communication.

Never confuse others

Make sure you always use precise language when authoring emails. Avoid jargon, abbreviations, and overly complicated words your recipient might not understand. Please keep it simple and direct, so your message is easy to comprehend.

Be Impressive

In the body of your email, ensure you are using proper grammar and spelling. Unprofessional emails with errors can give the impression that you do not care about the message or recipient. If you need more confidence in your writing skills, consider using a tool like Grammarly to help you out.

Email Etiquette: How to Write Better Emails at Work

Never depends on the Writing tool

Although modern email clients have with auto-correct and spell-check features, it is essential to read your emails carefully before sending them. It is best to avoid relying solely on these features and take the extra time to proofread your emails before sending them.

Never Ignore Closing Lines

Always compose professional emails. It means avoiding abbreviations and emoticons and keeping your tone polite and respectful. If the email requires a response, clearly state this as well. Lastly, do not forget to say, “thank you” or include other closing lines such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards.” 

Keep it short

When authoring emails, keep them brief. Try using clear and concise language to get your point across in as few words as possible. It will make it easier for your recipient to understand and digest the information you are trying to convey.

Check sample email

As a good practice, reading sample emails is a great idea. It can help you get an idea of how to structure your emails and give you a better understanding of what is appropriate in a professional email.

Mention added attachments

If you are sending an email with attachments, mention it in the body of your message. That way, your recipient always pays attention to the extension and can easily access it. It is also a promising idea to talk briefly. Mention the attachment so your recipient knows what they are opening. 

Ensure Email safety

When authoring emails, it is essential to keep your information secure. It means avoiding sending sensitive or confidential information over email and using appropriate security measures when needed. Always use a secure connection when sending emails and encrypt sensitive messages using encryption software. 

Moatsim Nasir

A multifaceted professional with expertise in various domains of the business world. A skilled business writer adept at crafting compelling and informative content to educate and engage readers. Writing focuses on various business-related topics, including entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, and management. As a digital marketing expert, having a deep understanding of digital marketing techniques and tools to help businesses grow their online presence and reach new audiences.

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